
Art & Design Foundation Journal - Monday 13.9.10

Falmouth, the most beautiful and inspirational place to study I can think of…

As I start the course I need to write a journal with a short entry every day to record thoughts, feelings and ideas about the work I do this year. 

As for strengths and weaknesses, I definitely think I’m bad at drawing, but I also believe that it can be learned, I just don’t enjoy drawing and painting as much as I do other areas of art and design. Maybe that will change during the course of this year, as I am able to try new things in my own time and pace.

I guess my strengths would be more photography and design, I really love the design process of solving a problem that you’re given by a client, following a brief and producing designs and prototypes from it, and the feedback you get from working with people. Photography interests me as different ways of seeing, I love photographing people and getting to see the different sides of them that a camera can bring out, and showing the secret and hidden sides of things that people normally take for granted. I also have good technical knowledge of working with film in a darkroom and experimental developing and printing techniques, including mixed media pieces with film and paint.

I definitely want to try lots of different areas of art and design that I haven’t taken much interest in before, like different paint and drawing techniques, textile work and more experimental photography, as well as getting more experience in the design process as I plan to go into product design eventually…

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