
Friday 24.9.10

Lecture notes:
The first guest lecturer was Alex Schady, a ‘fine artist’ who works in various media, including film. His work really didn’t inspire me at all, it seemed a little gimmicky and clichéd, however his advice was useful. He said it’s good to mess around with different techniques, things that aren’t necessarily perceived as art but become interesting to him and then progress; that showing your work in a gallery or elsewhere is also part of the creative process, so should be done in exactly the way you want, depending on how you want your piece shown; That most artists have to have a series of crappy jobs that supply the money needed to create their art. He had set up a studio space called Five Years (he said it was useful to know how to build walls, to set up the studio!) and does collaborative work by sending instructions to create a piece to a person in another country, and receive instructions from them, and that way they can interpret it in their own way, and brings chance into your work, things that you might not have thought of.

Oliver West gave me a new way of thinking and working, by telling us to fold an A4 sheet into credit card sized boxes, and then use each one for a small drawing, to record ideas. This breaks down a big, scary sheet of paper into little, easy-to-manage pieces, which is really working for me as I find it difficult to sketch my ideas. He also used this technique to help young offenders and children with severe learning difficulties, which I thought was lovely and very worthwhile.

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